Thursday, December 13, 2012

Joining as you go {tutorial}

Been a little while since I did a tutorial, here is an easy method to join motifs as you go, which reduces the amount of weaving in ends later! (hooray!)

This method should work for any motif, with a little planning. It helps if there is a chain space to work into where you join.

I used this free pattern for a for a flower coaster This tutorial is just for this particular technique, not a walk through the whole pattern :) The instructions are a little vague as it is intended to use on any motif.

What you need is two completed motifs (referred to as motif A and B- in green) ,and one that is one round from completion. (motif C -pink)

Work the final round of the motif  C until you reach the chain space gap that you are joining. Place hook through gap of motif A. Then complete chain and continue pattern.

There you have one join! Continue to next chain space and repeat, by placing hook into chain space of motif A.

Continue final row until to reach the point where you are joining motif B. Place hook into the chain space before completing the chain

And then we have three joined motifs! Saves a lot of time and effort if you are planning on joining them later on!
And the final result:

I'm hanging up these for Christmas! so I'm also adding a chain, with slip stitches into each of the top bumps. I did 12 chains between each motif and 7 between the 'bumps'. 

Enjoy!, I should get some photos up of them hung around the house! 

Emma xx